The Ideal Precision Door for Victorian Homes
Every Precision door will have to endure the test of time, so durability and utility have to be achieved before style. However, the style of your home should be incorporated into every structure that extends from it. Your garage door is a piece of artistry that can’t be overlooked, specifically, when you have a Victorian home. The Victorian style came after the Dark Ages, and its conversion of Gothic motifs into wood trim remains popular. You don’t need a Victorian home, but its style is unique and stands out. With a bit of help, your garage door can be likewise.
The Carriage Garage Door
For Victorian homes, the carriage garage door is the ideal choice and is the most popular. This door opens outward with two swinging panels. You can better identify it as the door where horses and carriages were placed behind, and these doors can be opened with a single panel to let a person in or with both panels to let a vehicle pass through. Though there are now a variety of materials for garage doors, carriage doors are mostly manufactured in wood. This wood can match the exact type that your home is made from, but each door can also be customized.
Heavy-Duty Components
One of the most notable aspects of the carriage garage door is its weight. Though you wouldn’t want to be moving the door’s total weight yourself, you’ll find that the carriage door’s balance makes moving it easy. The wooden panels are cut thick but are slated together in a way that stabilizes them on a single plane. This calls for hinges that are made from steel and shaped into bands that the weight of the door can be held within. The heavy components of the door ensure that it can handle daily wear and tear. You can also make these doors quite large.
Classical Victorian Usage
Carriage doors work well with Victorian architecture because they are the original doors of Victorian homes. The hard work is taken out of the equation as long as you choose carriage doors. In choosing carriage doors, homeowners do less work even if the door they choose isn’t molded exactly like their homes’ trim is. The basic components of a carriage door innately fit the design concept of Victorian houses. These doors were used in the 1830s when horses were still relied on for transportation and field labor. The door type, alone, will cover most of your work.
Wood Trim and Panels
Another striking feature you’ll find in Victorian homes is achieved through moldings. These molds are called trim, and they cover the corners, lines and seals of a home. Though the Gothic periods of the 12th century used stonework, Victorian concepts are inspired by wood which uniquely follows Goth ideas. When deciding on the exact Precision door for your garage, trim has to be considered too. Without trim, the door won’t have the full feel and look of Victorian architecture. Trim designs can be added on using additional wood to achieve a Victorian style.
Window Placement and Type
Windows are a common feature used when installing garage doors for Victorian homes. The key is to stay within the design concepts of this 1800-era style. This means that the ideal windows are either rectangular or square in shape. The sharp edges and fine points used by Victorian designers call for straight panels and even triangles in some cases. Adding circles and ovals, though permissible, often takes away from other design features that achieve the Victorian style. Windows are, as a traditional practice, placed on the upper third of each door.
Why Use the Carpenter Style for Wooden Doors
Victorian garage doors in Southern California are usually made in what’s called the carpenter style. This is a strong, sturdy door with vertical panels and a clean, simple look. Due to its simplicity, the carpenter door is flexible for the style your home uses. Trim can be added to your door to ensure that it matches the specific approach of your façade. Carpenter doors use treated wood that won’t warp or degrade due to outside weather. They are known for their cleanliness in that the panels are secured without visible joints, nails or other types of notches.
Coloring and Styling
Southern California garage door repairs needed for painting start with finding the colors your Victorian home uses. At most, a traditional Victorian home has no more than three shades. In today’s use, the color spectrum is brighter, but traditional Victorian homes used solid, darker hues. These included deep greens, blues, reds and yellows. After choosing colors, the trim, panels and corners of these homes can then be measured for color patterns. As for the door, following the final color scheme of the house is the best practice for consistency and look.
Advantage of the Carriage Style
Homeowners with Victorian homes choose carriage doors in order to continue with the traditional look, but they also choose these doors for utility. Unlike roll-up doors, carriage doors won’t require a constant need for repairs. These doors are so solid that they lack the type of complexity that tends to lead to problems. Like with the many panels, hinges and seals of a typical garage door, problems will arise the more pieces a door has. Since springs aren’t used in carriage doors, however, you won’t have to replace them or get injured should they break.
Customizations and Legal Installations
Precision doors and garage doors in Paso Robles have to be installed by professionals who hold the right legal credentials. Adding a carriage door to your home might be a great idea, but doing the work yourself could result in you losing your door’s warranties. Being that your home is unique, it’s likely that you need some level of customization. Your door can be built from scratch or bought as a template that you can add to and take away from.
Choosing the Right Precision Door
Once you’ve chosen the door design that fits your home and garage, consider how you’ll choose the right contractor. You can find the right professional by speaking with friends, searching websites and then asking technicians about their credentials. They will need certification to work in this field and must have insurance to cover their work and your property.