San Luis Obispo Garage Doors: Is a Roll-Up Garage Door Right for Your Home?
The roll-up garage door is used for both commercial and residential locations, but the vast majority of them are located within commercial areas. These doors are often much more efficient for businesses because they are simple, cheap, and provide extra room within their storage units. If it works for them, should you get one installed for your own home garage? Read on to learn some of the factors you may want to keep in mind before investing any money into this garage door type.
What Is a Roll-up Garage Door?
These types of doors do exactly what the name suggests; they roll-up. Think about holding a newspaper in your hand and rolling it up tightly. This is very similar to what a roll-up garage door does. They will roll-up towards the top of your door opening thus providing owners with much more room than traditional garage doors. They are often made out of materials such as fiberglass and steel. Businesses will utilize these doors because they are perfect for providing protection to a small area. In addition, the garage door installation process is extremely affordable and quick.
The Benefits
Perhaps the most common reason both business leaders and homeowners choose this type of garage door is due to their ease of use. The materials used are lightweight and thus can be rolled-up with ease. In addition to their weight, the door is extremely durable. Those living within beachside locations will often utilize this type of door as winds, and water corrosion can be damaging to traditional garage doors. Lastly includes the maintenance needed to keep these in functioning order. The fact is that they need little to no maintenance on them. All you have to do is clean them once or twice a year.
Don’t spend another day with a broken or faulty garage door. Contact Precision Door Service of San Luis Obispo and let one of our trained technicians provide you with a free quote.