Precision Door Garage Door Repair Service in San Luis ObispoSelecting a Garage Door Style to Complement Your Home

Over the past few decades, the needs as well as the wants of a home have changed dramatically. No longer is the home garage located at the back of the property hidden from view. Many new constructions often have their garage facing towards the street as well as connected to the home itself. This is why choosing the right garage door style to complement your home is so important. The following list includes some of the things to keep in mind when selecting your next garage door.

Architectural Style

When it comes to selecting the right garage door style, color is not the only thing you should keep in mind. In fact, the material which the door is made out of also plays a large role in the garage aesthetics. For example, a brick or wooden-style home may not look its best if its right next to a steel garage door. Steel and warmer home materials often don’t mesh together.


Although home aesthetics are important, you should never forget to take functionality into the equation. When choosing your next garage door, it is important to find out if your home’s particular shape will accommodate it. Go through your garage door installation process and find out of your needs are going to be met. These might include the height of the garage door; can your type of vehicle easily clear it? Or, you might be worried about this accessibility for those who are disabled.


One of the most common concerns raised by people when it comes to choosing a new garage door is its color. Should it be different from the home in order to hide it, or should it be the same? The best way to complement your home is to make sure that the color of your garage door matches that of your home windows and doors. This will allow you to complement your home’s current look without making it too much of a focal point.