Creating an Indoor Sanctuary in Your Garage
Your garage doesn’t just have to be a dreary, cold place for storing your vehicles or other household goods. It can be your own private sanctuary away from the hustle of everyday life. Garages can be anything you want them to be, from sports themed man cave to a startup location for a new business. There are almost no limits to what you can create with your new garage investment.
Create a Plan
The first step for your garage transformation is to create a plan. What do you want most out of this space? Define your goals and figure out what kind of products you’ll need as well as renovations that are required. Like you would with any other room on your home, figure out how to maximize the space available to you. By working with your local garage door installation contractor, you’ll find out which kind of door best complements your project.
Make Your Space Comfortable
You’ll never want to spend time in your garage sanctuary without a certain level of comfort. First, choose a type of floor that won’t make you feel like you’re in a warehouse, such as carpet or hardwood. Crates, stools, and cinder blocks probably won’t do it for seating, so you’ll want to find some comfortable chairs or couches. Different parts of the garage may have different seats than others. For example, one area with a poker table and another with a television. Next, some accents like pillows and blankets will make the space seem more inviting.
Add Lighting
Your garage is unlikely to have any windows unless you have a certain type of door. You can take this opportunity to install a new residential garage door with large windows that let in lots of light. In addition, you’ll want to install indoor lights that give your garage interior a warm, natural feel. Rather than work or task lighting that you may normally find in a garage, use lamps, string lights, or other options you may find inside the home.