How to Winterize Your Garage Door
As fall is coming to a close, it is now time to start making preparations for the winter months. Your windows have been re-caulked, weather stripping has been added to all your doors leading to the outside and everything in between. Now, it is time to deal with the biggest door in your home, the garage door. The following list includes a variety of things you can do to winterize your garage door.
Upgrade Weather Stripping
One of the most common mistakes homeowners make when aiming for garage door insulation is both leaving old add-ons in and going cheap. The first place you should start your change is the weather stripping running along your garage door. If you purchased a cheap version the year prior or when you obtained your new garage in San Luis Obispo, then you are more likely than not going to have to change it.
Install a Heater to Winterize Your Garage
If you’re the type to work regularly within your garage, then it might be a good idea to install a heater. Yes, they can be rather expensive, and you will need to have an inspection done prior, but this would be the fastest way to regulate the garage temperature.
Caulking the Garage Door Parameter
Contrary to popular belief, the garage door isn’t the only place where energy loss happens. Winter-proofing also involves making sure that every area of the garage is fully sealed and protected from the outside air. One of the best things you can do to accomplish this is to caulk around the garage door parameter. Although it seems daunting at first, there are plenty of instructional guides and videos that can teach you how to do it correctly.