10 Signs You Need Garage Service Southern California to Take Care of Damage
Your garage may be at risk of falling over or malfunctioning, and you may not even be aware of it. Knowing the signs of garage damage is essential for reporting it for a garage service Southern California. It can help repairmen understand the service they need to provide. To ensure you know how safe your garage is to use, here are 10 signs of garage damage.
1. Schedule Garage Service in Southern California to Treat Spalling of the Interior Concrete Slab
If you’ve driven into your garage and noticed that the slab you park on has some spalling, then it may be a sign that it’s starting to degrade. The passive layer, also called the protective layer, can degrade when the embedded reinforcing steel starts to erode. It causes the slab to expand and crack.
This can be a serious problem if it isn’t repaired quickly. Leaving it alone will continue to degrade the slab until it is no longer useable. By catching it early, garage service Southern California may be able to patch it or remove the damaged area and replace it.
2. Exposed Steel in Concrete Slab
Another serious problem that you need to consider is if underlying steel beneath the concrete slab is exposed. This is a sign that the concrete has eroded to a point where it’s almost no longer useable. The job of the concrete is to keep the steel covered.
If you allow it to remain exposed, it can cause the steel to become corroded and useless. The best solution is to cover the damaged area with fresh concrete. This will cover the steel and add another protective layer of concrete to your garage slab.
3. Cracked Concrete
Cracks in concrete are never a good mix. When a crack shows up in the slab of your garage, then it’s allowing water, oil, and other fluids inside of it. Water erodes concrete over time. It may also come into contact with the steel that resides inside of the concrete. That can make the steel rust and crumble.
Water also causes concrete to erode and decay away. The crack will widen more and more until the slab becomes non-functional as a parking spot.
It’s possible to fill cracks if they’re not too large. You may need to have new concrete layered over the damaged concrete to keep water from entering the crack.
4. Efflorescence of the Concrete Ceiling Slab
If you have concrete as a ceiling, then one sign of damage that you need to watch out for is efflorescence. This refers to the condition in which white marks appear on the concrete. It’s a result of water pushing salt to the surface. It means that water is getting inside of your concrete.
For your ceiling, this is a serious problem. Eventually, you may notice cracking. Pieces of your ceiling may start to crumble. This can severely damage your cars as well as anyone inside of the garage if they’re struck.
5. Door Jams
One problem you may have with your garage door is that it jams when it travels up or down. This may indicate that the precision door is in need of repair. It may no longer be attached to its track. Certain pressure and weight may have damaged the door or forced it off of the track. Realigning it may be possible.
It may also jam because of faulty cables. A garage door Paso Robles specialist can determine the cause of the jam and fix it.
6. Door Hitches to One Side
This is a scary situation that can completely break your entire garage system. If you notice that your precision garage door is starting to tilt to one side, as one side is lifting while the other is stuck, you should immediately close your door or keep it from traveling further.
When one side of the door is stuck to the side, it can create dangerous tension on the cables. Those cables may snap and damage anything within their reach.
7. Dented Door
It’s possible that your door may also become dented. Perhaps you accidentally bumped into it with your car. Maybe you didn’t pull as far forward as you thought it did. Or perhaps the dent is a mystery. However the door received its dent, it’s a sign that it may need to be changed. Some dents can be removed.
However, if the dent was caused because the door was unable to lift or close appropriately, then the entire system may need to be diagnosed.
8. Door Refuses to Open
You press the button and nothing happens. Perhaps your garage light continues to blink on and off. This could be a sign that the springs or cables are broken or damaged. You shouldn’t try to operate your garage until a specialist takes a look at the system. It can keep you and your car safe.
9. Jerking Door
If the door opens, but in a jerking fashion, then it may be due to worn rollers. Extended use of the rollers can wear them out. When they try to slide along the track, their worn edges may make them catch rather than smoothly gliding along the track.
10. Misaligned Track
One last sign that your garage is damaged is with a misaligned track. This is a problem that gets worse with time. One way you can tell if your tracks are misaligned is if the garage tends to pull to one side over the other when opening or closing.
These signs can help you determine if your garage is damaged or not. Calling a professional can ensure your garage is fixed and lasts for several more years.